Earlier this summer, Google released a new marketing film titled “What are you searching for this summer?” together with the agency Uncommon.

The movie, directed by Josh Tenser, reflects mixed feelings people had towards summer after a long period of separation from their peers and loved ones.

Aiming to provide a glimpse at candid Google searches from around the world, the piece compiles a series of queries such as “how to talk to people” and “what is reopening anxiety.”

The advertisement also includes summer milestones such as the Euro Cup, humorous snippets of the past, like a TV ad advising on “how to make a good impression on a first date,” and ends with a sense of hedonism and hope.

The out-of-home advertisement versions were then adapted to deliver locally relevant dynamic content based on triggers such as time, weather, and locations.

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Posted by:Cherrydeck Editorial

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